Hi there,

Hi there,

I am self thought and self represented artist.

The ideas, the images that I then put on the canvas with my brush come out without thinking, like dreams, visions. I don’t question them, I believe that someone greater than me sends me these visions, that I, as a letter carrier, have to convey them, to realise them. I trust my inner guidance to create art that transforms, heals, and transmits the energy of light in a shade that everyone needs. I believe that the image, the idea, has its purpose in this world.

Little about the past

I am grateful for my artistic roots in my family. From my father, grandmother, godmother, great-grandmother, I don’t know how much deeper it goes… I discovered art in my life at an early age—drawing, singing, and, finally, painting became the greatest joys of my childhood. I started sharing my art at the age of 19, and that’s when it became my livelihood for the for the first time. From painting on walls, portraits, and paintings, to creating art on clothes and tableware, I did everything that was ordered by the clients. I was never fascinated by diplomas and certificates, so my artistic journey was without competitions and titles.

Later on, I transitioned into a different form of creativity—graphic design. I learned and graduated in VMU with a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Industries, got a taste of marketing in an advertising agency, worked as a graphic designer for a few years, and then in 2022, after experiencing a little bit of everything, I rediscovered my roots in an unplanned way.

All the things I’ve learned along the way allow me to go beyond the creating only with a brush—I use the knowledge I’ve gathered in marketing, graphic design, photography, and photo retouching every day to run my own business. Presently, I find joy in having the freedom to bring my own visions to life, persistently pursuing my ideas and transforming them into reality.

About the paintings

About the paintings

What a wonderful thing painting is! It possesses the ability to contain so much within its realm. It can serve as a harmonious detail within an interior space, encapsulating the vast World of Creativity.

Each artwork radiates its unique energy, infusing your surroundings and enveloping you with that energy every time you gaze upon it. A painting can become the focal point of your home, the first sight that greets you upon awakening, and the initial impression as you enter your abode. It not only reflects your personality but also acts as a potent reservoir of energy that inexplicably influences your thoughts and emotions. Consider the kind of energy you desire to surround yourself with in the morning, in your sleeping quarters, and in your spaces of relaxation.

I extend an invitation for you to embark on a journey of art and self-discovery.